Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wonders On Wheels.....

1. Identify this train service. The logo is beside it .

Ans: The EUROSTAR, the train connecting England and France through the Channel Tunnel.

2. Identify this WOW - car.

Ans: The ROLLS ROYCE DROPHEAD.. Its a convertible designed from the absolutely amazing PHANTOM. It can be personalised with an astounding 20 million combinations of interiors and accessories.

3. 0 to 60mph in 0.75 sec.. Theoretical top speed: 420MPH.. What is this?

Ans: THE DODGE TOMAHAWK, a concept motorcycle. Check up wiki on this.. Outta this world.!!

1 comment:

Jagriti said...

2.wonderful open hearted wagon by honda..i guess
3 a single engined fighter(e.g.mustang )

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