Monday, April 28, 2008

Harbingers of Change...

My first post even close to politics...

1. Of which event is this a photograph of?


I couldn't recognise the photograph when i had first saw it.. However, every1 else knew.

2. Who are these people and what was the result of this meeting? ( a point fr the result and half for every leader )

Ans: The BANDUNG CONFERENCE. RESULTED IN THE FORMATION OF NAM.. Leaders are: Nehru, Nikumah( Ghana), Gamal Nasser (Egypt), Sukarno ( Indonesia) and Marshal Tito ( Yugoslavia.

3. What is this man's recent claim to fame ? ( only half if u tell his position . )

Ans: MORGAN TSAVANGIRAI, the President-elect of Zimbabwe.

ONLY JAHNAVI got all the three questions correct. Kudos!!!


Unknown said...

2. Non Aligned Conference.
the persons in the picture are, Pandit Nehru ,Nkrumah,Nasser, Sukarno, Tito

Unknown said...

1)crowning of queen elizabeth
2)NAM was the result
leaders r nehru,tito, naseer n i don't rem the others.
3)the opp. leader of some democratic changes party of zimbabwe(it's a wild guess)

Anonymous said...

1)coronation of queen elizabeth
2)pancheel agreement.. jawaharlal nehru and some guy from middle eat and china...

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