Monday, March 24, 2008

Mixture n Menace..

1. Its earliest form was a mixture of powdered salt, pepper, mint leaves, and iris flowers. Even human urine ( yuck!) was used in it for sometime. Its current ingredients include sulphates, baking soda, enzymes, vitamins, herbs, calcium, calcium sodium phosphosilicate, hydrogen peroxide etc. and comes in multiple flavours. Which everyday product am I talking about?

Ans: TOOTHPASTE .. The romans used urine.. suckers!!!!

2. This event took place at the northern end of the range, between the towns of Carrizozo and Socorro, New Mexico, in the Jornada del Muerto in the southwestern United States . The device used here, a first of it's kind, was called 'GADGET'. After this event, the Director of this event said to the project head " Now we are all sons of bitches.".. Which event am I talking about?

Ans: The TRINITY NUCLEAR TEST. It was the first nuclear test and the project head was, ofcourse, Robert Oppenheimer.

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